''Adam Hills Tonight'', formerly known as ''Adam Hills in Gordon Street Tonight'', is an Australian television interview show on ABC1 hosted by comedian Adam Hills and co-starring comedians Hannah Gadsby and Dave O'Neil. The show features celebrity guests, comedy and live music. The show has now ceased production with the 2013 series which ended in August 2013 being the last. On 28 November 2013, Adam Hills announced that the show was ending as he feared "running out of funny" and that trying to combine careers in Australia and the UK at the same time was proving to be impractical. The program was filmed at ABC TV's Melbourne studios in Gordon Street, Elsternwick and involved significant audience participation based on a questionnaire audience members fill in prior to the show focusing on unusual traits, habits or belongings of audience members. These have included membership in "The Church of the Latter Day Geek" and "Mousey", the bedtime companion of an adult audience member. Popular audience members are invited to return; for example Mousey's adventures became an ongoing theme in the first series, culminating in a hit single about the toy released on iTunes by Hills. The second series premiered on 8 February 2012 and the third series premiered on 15 May 2013. As of May 2013, the title of the show was changed to ''Adam Hills Tonight'', with the Gordon St set being removed from the studio. The removal of the Gordon St theme was only explained satirically during an ABC advertisement for the show, in which Adam Hills was told that the set was too high and was removed, instead of simply making it lower. ==Episodes== (詳細はウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Adam Hills Tonight」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク